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Getting Started

How can I use Blender with Python?

Blender has a built-in Python editor, but sometimes it’s useful to work in environments like Jupyter notebooks or VS Code notebooks.

There are two ways to use Blender in a notebook:

  1. Headless Mode: In this mode, you install the Blender Python module bpy from PyPi. The Blender GUI doesn’t open, so you can run it even without a Blender installation.
  2. GUI Mode: This mode uses your installed Blender version, so you can work in the Blender GUI while sending commands from the notebook.

Python Package manger UV

For the installation, we use the package manager uv.

The advantage of uv is that it automatically manages and caches your environment. You can run the same command multiple times without needing virtual environments or handling Python installations manually.

Installation macOS: curl -LsSf | sh

Installation Windows: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Using Headless Mode

To start the notebook, run: uvx --python 3.11 --with bpy==4.2.0 jupyter lab

alt text

import bpy
from IPython.display import display, Image
bpy.ops.render.render()["Render Result"].save_render(filepath="img.png")

Note: The headless mode will only run with Python 3.11 (as of Blender 4.2).

Using GUI Mode

To set up Blender in GUI mode, we first register the Blender kernel with your notebook environment.

On macOS, run:
uvx blender_notebook install --blender-exec="/Applications/"

uvx --python 3.11 jupyter lab

(under the hood, this is using blender_notebook)

On Windows, run:
uvx blender_notebook install --blender-exec="C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.2\blender.exe"

uvx --python 3.11 jupyter lab (Windows installation is not yet tested)

Once set up, you can select the Blender kernel in Jupyter Lab.

Select the Blender kernel in JupyterLab like this:

Note: GUI mode also works with other notebook environments, such as VS Code notebooks and Satyrn notebooks.

Select the Blender kernel in VS Code like this: